Den 21-24 september afholdes en stor international konkurrence af Beluga Farm Group ved Sarulesti Søen/Raduta Lake i Rumænien, hvor 25 tomandshold vil dyste om, hvem der kan fange flest og størst stør. Der er en del fisk over 100 kilo samt en topfisk på omkring 300 kilo i den 65 hektar store del af søen, så det er ikke det lette grej du skal have med… Konkurrencen, der er sponsoreret af NETBET foregår fra land – ”carpstyle”, og der er to store præmier på 1000 Euro for flest cm fisk over 2 meter – samt en præmier på 5000 euro for den længste fisk. Der må kun fiskes med naturlig agn og med maksimalt tre stænger

Også du kan deltage for et startgebyr på 1000 Euro. Nærmere oplysninger fås hos Dan Constantin på +40 -721 212 296 eller Alex Lazar på +40 – 722 206 100. Nedenfor ses mere info på engelsk:


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Til Beluga World Cup 2022 vil der være gode muligheder for at fange flotte belugaer som denne i Sarulesti Søen

Til Beluga World Cup 2022 vil der være gode muligheder for at fange flotte belugaer som denne i Sarulesti Søen, der ligger i Rumænien.


More info:

Payment of the fee can be made to the account:

RO77 BACX 0000 0030 2497 4001, Unicredit Bank, EUR Account


  • The catch of the competition can be cumulated
  • Only cod is measured, regardless of length / photo -filming / arbitration commission
  • Prizes are valid for the participation of 25 teams and are gross
  • The lakes will be marked / sectored
  • Circle hooks are only allowed hooks, NO SPIN
  • Baiting with any kind of bait is allowed
  • Hair fishing is MANDATORY



The competition is open to any team from the country or abroad, which is properly equipped, informed, agrees with the competition rules and has paid the participation fee.


Wednesday 21.09.2022

  • 10.00 – accreditation of the teams at the guest house – Raduta Lake
  • 14.00 – technical meeting + competition track tour

Thursday 22.09.2022

  • 7.30 – draw of the stands – order, then the stand – terrace Guest house
  • 9.00 – Start of the competition
  • 19.00 – final of the first round / display of results.

Friday 23.09.2022

  • 7.30 – draw of the stands – order, then the stand – terrace Guest house
  • 9.00 – Start of the competition
  • 19.00 – final of the second round / display of results.

Saturday 24.09.2022

  • 7.30 – draw of the stands – order, then the stand – terrace Guest house
  • 9.00 – Start of the competition
  • 17.00 – end of the third round / end of the competition
  • 19:00 – Award ceremony – Sărulești Sat Guest House base 21.00

Accommodation / camping of the competitors, during the competition, can be done, for a fee, at the guest house, within the available seats / tent or caravan.

By participating in this event, you also support all the necessary efforts to save the genetics of these rare fish, because they are almost extinct in their original habitat, the great Danube.

ABOUT SĂRULEŞTI LAKE – RADUTALAKE Sărulești Lake (Răduță Lake) is famous worldwide for the World Carp Fishing World Cup, being declared the No. 1 in the world for this species in 2000, having both world records at that time: common carp (34.5 kg) and mirror carp (37.3 kg). Moreover, every year International Competitions and National Championships are held, both for carp and pikeperch.

In addition to the exceptional carp and pikeperch populations of Sărulești Lake, a massive sturgeon population has developed in recent years, making the lake an interesting book on 18 top destinations around the world for passionate fishermen and adventurous (in the ” True Fishing Adventures ” appendix, a book from DMAX by Olivier Portrat & Gregor Bradler).


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  1. Only the Belugas are scored, regardless of length, caught between 9.00 and 19.00 / reported fish and taken ashore.
  2. Inflatable or rigid – fiber boat can be used / 1 piece with paddles, sonar and baiting boat Electrical / thermal engine is prohibited.
  3. It is mandatory to use life jackets when using the boat. The organizer does not assume responsibility for any accidents that occur as a result of its non-use.
  4. The maximum number of rods allowed for fishing is 3 (three). Pre-prepared rods are not accepted in the stand. These will be stored in luggage / cars. SANCTION: Warning
  5. Traveling on the competition area is done by car, which will remain in the vicinity of the stands.
  6. Access to other vehicles less than 50 m from the stand, except for those of the organizers, the arbitration panel or the media, is strictly forbidden.
  7. Visitors’ schedule: 10.00 – 16.00 – enter and leave the stand only on foot, with the consent of the organizers. The teams that have visitors have the obligation to notify the organizers, in due time, of their arrival. SANCTION: Warning
  8. The fishing is done with robust equipment, rods and strong reels / 3 rods – the minimum allowed thread being 0.40mm mono or textile.
  9. It is allowed to use a feeder rod to catch fish used as bait (bream, crucian).
  10. You can fish with other fish as bait – kipper, mackerel, horse mackerel – but only dead. Live bait is strictly forbidden.
  11. Measurements are made as soon as the fish is caught and brought ashore. Filming / photo / witnesses / arbitration sheet.
  12. When measuring the fish, a witness / observer / mass media – (lake administration) / organizer must be present, who will sign the arbitration form, next to each fish.
  13. The photography of the fish will be mandatory in the water, after the official measurement of the fish
  14. It is mandatory to catch, handle, photograph and release the fish with the utmost care. Upon release, the fish must leave on its own, without pushing, which means assuring competitors that the fish has recovered from the drill and is not stuck in the plants or on the shore.
  15. Mandatory one hook per mount, as well as the use of hair.
  16. The mount can be launched or planted by boat or radio-controlled modelboats.
  17. It is forbidden to plant the mount outside the fishing area of your own stand
  18. If the fish accidentally enter the drill at the neighboring stand, they are obliged to allow the drill, in optimal conditions.
  19. It is forbidden to enter the booth of the neighbors by boat / mooring the boat outside the booth; Visits between competitors will be made only on land and mandatory with the consent of the organizers / referees.
  20. The refereeing committee, together with the organizers, are the only ones able to judge the appeals and take action against a team in case of violation of the rules. Any challenge or deviation from the rules, during the competition, must be notified to the nearest referee, who will inform the organizer and the chief referee. The appeal is made in writing. The appeal fee is 100 euros. It will be returned to the competitor if the facts of the appeal are confirmed.
  21. Life jackets are mandatory. Any incident caused by not wearing a life jacket excuses both the organizers and the lake administration from any fault.
  22. The fishing takes place within the limits of the stand, indicated by the organizer. At the first offense, the guilty team receives a warning. At the second deviation, 1 meter from the score is taken away.
  3. No changes are allowed during the contest.


Forshaga Akademin


Hvidovre Sport 2025


Den Rumænske sø Salrulesti er kendt for sine mange og store karper – og der er flere gange afholdt World Carp Cup her. Søen har produceret flere (ex) verdensrekorder heriblandt speljkarper op til 37,3 kilo og skælkarper op til 34,5 kilo. Over de seneste år har man også introduceret en masse store belugaer op til 300 hundrede kilo, så der er virkelig nogle store fisk at komme efter her. Fisk & Fris Olivier Portrat var den første til at prøve belugafiskeriet for nogle år tilbage, hvilket han blandt andet skrev en artikel om i Fisk & Fri.

Nu er datoen for det første World Cup i størfiskeri sat til den 10-15 oktober 2021. Konkurrencen afholdes i området mellem Polcesti & Sandulita. Alle 20 pladser nummereres, og der trækkes dagligt lod om de forskellige swims. Der kan fiskes med både kunst og naturlig agn med op til 4 stænger til 2 personer pr hold. Deltagergebyret er 5000 Euro pr team hvilket inkluderer morgen og aftensmad, dobbeltværelse på et godt hotel samt en udlejningsbil til og fra lufthavnen.

Førstepræminen for de tre største fisk er 30.000 Euro, og præminen for den største beluga er 20.000 Euro.

Du kan læse meget mere om arrangementet her.

Se en video fra Søen her.

Fotos af Olivier Portrat

Hvidovre Sport 2025
De store stør i Sarulestisøen kan levere en forrygende fight.

De store stør i Sarulestisøen kan levere en forrygende fight.


Endnu en stor belyuga fra Sarulesti. Denne blev taget på en død brasen.

Endnu en stor beluga fra Sarulesti. Denne blev taget på en død brasen.


Du skal nok blive spændt godt for ved Sarulesti søen.

Du skal nok blive spændt godt for ved Sarulesti søen.

Hvidovre Sport 2025