Det kompromisløse fiskegrej fra Shimano vil fra den 1. oktober blive distribueret direkte til butikkerne fra Shimano Nordic, hvor man nu har fundet den nye Sales Manager for Norge, Island, Sverige, Finland & Danmark – Carl Sterner. – Carl, som du kan se på billedet ovenfor, tiltræder den 1 juni med en plan om at redefinere, hvordan Shimano engagerer sig i markedet og bygge en stærk fremtid for Shimano Nordic Fishing.

– I am very happy and honored for the opportunity to lead the Shimano Fishing Sales Team in the Nordics, sigher han. – As you all know, the brand Shimano is known for its premium products, quality and innovation. By owning the distribution of our brand we are able to open up the Shimano product portfolio to offer a range suits the demands of a far wider group of anglers in the Nordics. I am excited to say that, we also have many new products are under development that support the rapidly changing retail industry.

Det er en branche, som Carl kender godt. Han har stor erfaring i outdoor og fiskeri fra hans nuværende rolle i XXL, hvor han er ansvarlig for fiskeri i Sverige. Carls første opgave bliver at sammensætte et stærkt team om ham og opbygge gode relationer i branchen.

– Our top priority is to build strong partnerships with the retailers, fortsætter han. – This is to make sure that the end users not only get the products they deserve and want, but also the personal service they expect. Being a native from the county of Dalarna in Sweden, I have grown up with fishing as a passion. To work with a product line that also is a passion, is highly motivating. I plan to use this passion as a “red thread” in the upcoming recruitment process of our future Shimano Sales Team. Looking forward to the challenge!

Andrew Cowan, der er MD i Norden for cykler og nu også fiskeri, er ligeledes positiv overfor denne nye æra for Shimano Fishing. – I am really looking forward to grow our business in these tough times and getting the Shimano passion spread among our consumers and retailers, siger han. – I would also like to take the opportunity to, again, thank the people at Normark who have taken care of our business in the past years and of course also our fishing ambassadors who will be important also in the future.

Shimano Nordics vil begynde at sælge Shimano fiskegrej fra og med 1 oktober 2020, og rekruttering til teamet begynder i April. Helt konkret søger Shimano en Custumor Service & Sales Advisor – en stilling der kan søges her.





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